Our uniform is detailed below is now ordered directly from Rawcliffes - instore or online.
Visit instore at 9-11 Paragon Street, Hull, HU1 3RJ. Tel: 01482 223539) or via www.rawcliffes.co.uk
- Green/White polo shirt
- Green jumper or cardigan with logo
- Grey or black trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores
- Green gingham dress (summer term only)
- Black polishable shoes (no boots to be worn indoors)
- White/black/grey tights or socks
- For PE lessons pupils require a white logo t-shirt (not polo shirt), black shorts and appropriate footwear. Indoors - plimsolls, outdoors - trainers. For winter, please can children wear a pair of black jogging bottoms and sweatshirt or black tracksuit.
In addition:
- No nail varnish
- No visible fake tattoos
- No jewellery. However, if ears are pierced, small studs may be worn but must be removed for PE
- Long hair must be tied up for PE
- Hair accessories should be of modest size and to match uniform colour
- No shaved patterns in hair
- No hats indoors
PE Uniform
Indoor PE uniform:
- a white t-shirt (does not need the Endike logo)
- a pair of black shorts
- a pair of black sandshoes
Outdoor PE uniform:
- a white t-shirt (does not need the Endike logo)
- a pair of black shorts or bottoms
- a pair of suitable trainers.
Second hand uniform
Second hand uniform can be sourced here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064539890439