The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Endike Academy

Endike Primary Academy is situated in the North of Hull and takes children from Foundation Stage through to the age of 11.

Parent Information

At Endike, we work with our parents as key partners in order to ensure the best for all our pupils.

We believe that working with parents has as a strong and positive effect on a child’s learning.

We encourage all of our parents to support us by regularly reading and working with their child at home.

We welcome feedback from all of our parents. If any parent has a concern or an issue they are encouraged to tell a member of staff straight away. The sooner we know about things, the sooner we can deal with any problems.

We invite our parents to a number of events on the school calendar as well as holding a parent’s evening once a term in which they can come and discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher.

Support for parents, carers and families

At Endike Academy, we believe in supporting the whole family in order to get the best outcomes for our pupils.

Parents and carers can seek support and information in the following ways:

Emotional Wellbeing Team

Our EWB Team supports children's emotional wellbeing and mental health. They are more than happy to support families with routines and boundaries in the home, housing and finance issues, working with agencies and many other aspects of family life.

Online Courses

Below is a link to online support courses provided by Hull City Council to support parents through pregnancy, parenting babies and parenting children.

Click here to access the courses and use the code FREEDOM. 

Support From External Agencies

Endike can help parents, carers and families to access more intense support through referrals to agencies within the city. This can include support with bereavement, finances and debt management, family conflict, mental health, housing, parenting skills and many more aspects of family life. Contact the school office and ask to speak to a member of the EWB Team or come in and see us for more information.

Safeguarding and Welbeing

Here at Endike we place high importance on the positive emotional wellbeing, mental health and safeguarding of all of our pupils.

All of our staff members are trained to safeguard all of our pupils and every adult who enters our school to visit or work with us has a duty of care to safeguard the children at Endike.  Mrs T Smallwood is the designated safeguarding lead at Endike. If you have a concern about any child, please call or visit the school office to speak to Mrs Smallwood.


At Endike Academy, we have a programme of training and development to ensure that the adults within the school are equipped with the most up to date knowledge and skills to safeguard our pupils.

Training involves information and skills, including but not limited to, enable staff to meet the requirements and advice set out in key documents.

We truly believe that if a child is not feeling happy and secure they will not be ready to learn. There is extensive research into the impact that poor mental health and wellbeing has on children and their attainment and progress. For these reasons and many more, one of Endike’s key priorities is to enable children to have positive mental health and wellbeing.

We do this in many ways:

  • We work closely with families in order to fully understand our pupils and get to know our pupils strengths and ways forward.
  • An Emotional Literacy Support Assistant who has completed training and is qualified to deliver ELSA programmes.
  • A dedicated and committed Emotional Wellbeing Team made up of Principal, Vice Principal/SENDCO, Assistant Principal, Mental Health First Aider, an ELSA and our Attendance Officer
  • We deliver PSHE through Jigsaw in all year groups.
  • All classes have regular circle times to speak about their feelings.
  • We offer restorative sessions to enable children to resolve conflict and build relationships.
  • ELSA programmes delivered with groups or individuals who have either self-referred or have been referred by their family or staff members.
  • We deliver a curriculum which challenges children and builds resilience.
  • Our teaching style encourages children to see mistakes as a part of learning.

If you would like to discuss your child’s emotional wellbeing or mental health or think that we could help you, your family or child, please contact the school office to speak to a member of the emotional wellbeing team.

Key information

Our performance against other schools can be found via the Department for Education’s School Performance Table.

KS2 Performance Data 2022-2023



Ofsted & Parent View

Our latest Ofsted report can be found here.
 Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

Parent Documents

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